B. Lynn Carter
Multi award-winning author
I’m B. Lynn Carter, an award-winning author. I’ve worked long and hard to earn that title.
I was born and raised in the Bronx. I earned a degree in creative writing from CCNY (The City College of New York.)
My multi-award-winning debut novel “Jus Breathe,” was published by Between The Lines Publications and launched on October 11th, 2022.

Since its launch, “Jus Breathe” has won 1st place in the prestigious 2023 International Book Award for African American fiction! The book has won the Pen Craft Best Book of 2023 award, as well as 2nd place in the Pencraft Award for literary excellence. In addition, Jus Breathe has won the Firebird Grand Prize for general fiction, the Firebird Award for African American fiction and the Firebird award for best cover art. The book was also a finalist In the Independent Author Network’s award competition and got an honorable mention in the New York Book Fests 2023 award competition.
That’s a lot of recognition!
This powerful coming-of-age story set in 1960s New York city has received rave reviews and multiple awards .

I have had short stories published in various literary magazines. My short story “One Wild Ride,” published by Aaduna magazine, was nominated for the Pushcart award in 2014. My short story “Las Sinverquenzas,” originally published by Drunk Monkeys magazines in 2012 has been republished by Querencia Press in their fall’22 anthology.

My second novel “The Eyes Have It’ has won the first-place prize for fiction, in The Black Writers Workspace "Chapter One" competition.
As of this writing “The Eyes Have It” is a semi-finalist in the Chanticleer Book Awards for Young Adult Fiction. I would be thrilled and honored if it makes the cut into ‘finalist’ status. Fingers crossed!!